The Big 40!

40 Is that you?!

Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when I turned 40. I always asked my friends, family, and even looked to others on social media to get their perception on how it feels to be 40. Most say it’s freeing and you have a sense of who you are. Your attitude about life will change and you will start to venture out more and take the risk. All the advice was great and I like to believe that most of it is true……

Turning 40 for me was amazing!!!! Physically I feel the same except a few new aches and pains here and there lol, but mentally I have definitely moved to a higher vibration in life. This new feeling that other ladies told me about is so true! I swear it is like you wake up and put on your for real grown lady panties and you just feel invincible! Look… I have been through enough stuff in my life that for the rest of my physical life here on earth, I’m going to truly do the things that make me happy. Caring less about what people will think if I did this or said that or what I eat or should I say choose not to eat..hunny that’s a whole other topic (which I will definitely blog about in the future). To be completely honest.. the opinions that some may have are NOT paying my bills okayyy!  

I feel like self-care has become number one on the list. The saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup” starts to make more sense with age. Let’s get straight to the point. If you or I don’t take the time out to take care of ourselves mentally and physically how in the Hell do you expect to be able to take care of others. I’m specifically speaking to my Moms out there. I have learned over the years that our families depend on us and if we are not in a good mental space, it affects the entire family. Literally, if I’m exhausted mentally then my family can definitely tell. The energy I give off without doubt projects on them and pretty much creates this domino effect and now the whole house even the damn dog is feeling some type of way. So I have learned to take time for myself, even if it means waking up a little earlier in the mornings or going for a nice walk, that is my personal time to “refill my cup”.

Turning 40 has also ignited a life purpose fire inside of me. I feel like I’m pretty much almost halfway through this lifetime and I wonder often if I have truly fulfilled my purpose or better yet, do I fully know what my life purpose is. I truly believe that everyone has a purpose here on earth. I do know that each day starts to become clearer and meaningful when you truly start to care less of what others think, believe in yourself and start doing and taking care of the things that matter most to you. 

Ahhhh 40…with age comes wisdom, with time comes maturity, with life lessons, comes experience. 40 you are everything I thought you would be and more. 

2 responses to “The Big 40!”

  1. 40 looks good on ya! I agree the older you get, the less you care what others think about you. Self- care is a must because like you said if you are on empty what do you really have to give? I would say not much. Great read, keep being amazing!

    • Thank you and yes the older I get the opinions of others concern me less. Self caress definitely become number one on my list! Thanks for reading and your feedback!❤️