Three Things You Must Do On Sunday…

Nothing is worse than heading into a new week without being somewhat prepared. When you don’t have things in order it could potentially throw off your entire week! That’s why I always make sure to at least have these three things done by Sunday night to ensure not only is my week but my family’s week is off to a good start.

1. Make sure that your family is fully stocked up on clean towels and bathroom essentials . Nothing is worse then hearing “Mom, we out of towels!” or “Mom, this is the last roll of toilet paper!”

Be sure to take a quick sweep through your bathroom closet or wherever you store your supplies and make sure you are not running scarce on anything. If you are, then today would be a good day to place a quick pickup order like using the Target drive-up option. If you don’t have that option then safely go in the store and pick up the essentials your family needs.

2. Plan at least 2-3 meals. I like to have three dinners planned out for the week. Believe me when I tell you having at least two out of the five dinners planned can help take a ton of stress off of you. My family loves a good “Taco Tuesday” so that’s easily one dinner planned out of the way…OKAY!

3. Write down a list of tasks you need to complete throughout the week. This can be in a planner or just a regular note book, heck even a piece of paper. Just write it down! You want to write down any appointments, task that need to be completed around the house, meal plans..etc… There is nothing like forgetting your kid had a doctor appointment, or even something as simple as setting the trash out the night before for trash day.

Doing these three small task each Sunday will make a big impact on you and your family’s week. When you take the time to prepare, trust me your family will notice. You will start to see how the days flow much better.