I know by the name of the title you are probably thinking this is just another one of those typical self-care blog posts..but no really, this post is going to be about putting you first! Although it may seem like you are being selfish and some may even feel guilt but this is so crucial. Especially for us moms. I can’t stress it enough! If you don’t take care of yourself, then how in the hell do you expect to take care of anybody else?! So with that being said ladies let’s jump into some major things we have got to start doing.
Last month (October) was breast cancer awareness month. I got my first mammogram! Talk about nervous, excited, and scared all in one. I didn’t know what to expect. To be honest the exam itself was not painful at all. I don’t know if it’s because I’m top heavy or just that the person who administered it was good, but it was super fast and easy.. slight discomfort from squishing your boob to look like a pancake but nothing major at all. I think the hardest part is waiting for your results. Thank God my results were negative. So ladies if you have not done so, please schedule your mammogram.
Get to know your body sis. I say this because often we overlook signs from our body that may be trying to tell us when something ain’t right! A few months back I started to notice my muscles were often very tender to the touch. (no working out either) I had my doctor check my vitamin levels and to my surprise, I was highly deficient in both vitamin D and B-12. Some of you may know that I switched from a vegetarian diet to a vegan diet about a year and a half ago. If you know me then you know my love for cheese was inseparable! I mean I would take a good cheese board and a nice bottle of wine any day lol. Well…since changing over to a vegan diet I no longer eat dairy cheeses and milk. I believe that was the culprit. The cheeses and milk that I ingest are all plant-based and don’t provide as much vitamin D as dairy products, therefore causing my vitamin levels to be drastically below normal.
While we are on the subject of vitamins let’s talk a little bit about your diet. Now, sis…this is my opinion only and I’m no nutritionist at all, but I believe your diet should be balanced. Look, let’s keep it real. We are human and now and again we like to treat ourselves to some not so healthy foods, and if you are anything like me that “Now and again” is more like often lol”. So if I had a big processed plant-based cheeseburger, fries, and vegan brownies for dinner, then I know I need to be extra kind to my body for a while and replenish it with Whole Foods, like fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Basically, foods that your body can actually identify and pull actual nutrients from. Like with anything in life you have to find balance and you all know the saying, “Too much of anything ain’t good for you.”
So back to my vitamin deficiency…My doctor prescribed me a high dosage of vitamin D and vitamin B-12 and since taking them I’m starting to see and feel a difference in my body. I also started taking a daily multivitamin. If you would like more details on this subject leave me a comment and I would be glad to share more on my experience with vitamin D deficiency.
Let’s step up our self-care regimen ladies! Take the extra time in the bathroom to focus on your skin, hair, feet, face, and even your vagina! Start taking the extra time to really care for your body. Pay attention to the ingredients in your products like lotion, feminine wash, soap, and deodorants. Look.. if you can’t pronounce half of the ingredients in your personal products, then put it back on the shelf sis! Look for products that are plant-based. Some of my favorites I will link below. Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and it absorbs all the ingredients you put on it. So next time you are shopping for your personal products be mindful of not only what you put in your body but what you put on your body as well.
Here are links to my favorite natural products I like to use..
Feminine wash:
Face care:
Start making it a habit of having time for yourself. If this means waking up earlier than your family or staying up a little later at night, whichever one best suits you, Do It! We have to start taking the time to recharge ourselves, take time to meditate and clear your mind. Set personal goals, read a book instead of scrolling on social media. Whatever it may be to bring you calmness and rejuvenation please take time out of every day for it. You deserve it!
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