Virtual Learning Must Haves.

First thing first! We are all learning as we go. Virtual learning, Zoom calls, WiFi issues, attention span out the window at times, but I have a few tips that I would like to share that have helped keep our kid’s virtual learning running smoothly.

1. It’s all about routine! Having a routine in place not just for your kid(s) but for the entire family. It is important that the entire family is on board. Even if you are a single mom having a routine is imperative. Routines help prevent unnecessary anxiety and confusion about what is expected of each other. Having a set time for school work, dinner, bath and bedtime are crucial. I know we don’t live in a perfect world and some days are going to flow differently than others, but having an allotted time for certain things sets expectations not only for your kid but for you as well. For us moms this means planing ahead for things like dinner, bath time and quiet time. Writing down items you need to pick up from the store for virtual learning assignments, and if any of your kids are like mine, then that means sometimes they wait until the day of to tell you they need something for a virtual science lab (True story). Taking the time out to meal plan even if it is for just three days out of the week will help keep up with the expectations of dinner time being at a certain hour.

2. Bed and Breakfast. Ha..ha.. not the B&B you are thinking about lol! I’m talking about a set bedtime for your kid and having a balanced breakfast before virtual learning starts in the morning. Bedtime includes screen time as well. I think it’s a good idea to cut off the gaming, iPads, cell phones, YouTube at least 30 minutes before bedtime. This will allow your child’s brain to relax and calm down and make getting ready for bed a more calming experience. The actual bedtime each night I feel will depend on your child. If you know your child is cranky or has problems getting out of bed in the mornings, then you may want to try setting an earlier bedtime time. If you have a teenager (like I do) then they may have a later bedtime because they should be more disciplined with getting out of bed. However, if you notice they are starting to struggle in the mornings, then you may need to step in and bump the bedtime up a little earlier.

We have all heard the saying “ Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” This is so true! I always, always try to make sure that my son has a good breakfast prior to starting virtual learning. Meal prepping breakfast is as important as meal prepping for dinner (in my opinion). Mainly because it helps on those mornings when things aren’t going as planned (we have those often). It helps to prevent you from just grabbing the quickest convenient food which is usually full of sugars and preservatives and does not nutritionally benefit your kid at all. Now don’t get me wrong, breakfast doesn’t have to be this big beautiful spread every morning, but having a breakfast sandwich, or cereal and a small bowl of fruit prepared and ready, helps to start the virtual learning mornings off to a good start. There is nothing like being in class with an empty stomach trying to concentrate or in these times on a zoom call trying to focus. Having a good night’s rest and balanced breakfast will set the tone for your child’s school day.

3. Having a dedicated workspace. It’s important to separate work from play. Your child’s virtual learning area setup doesn’t have to be super fancy but definitely needs to be in a separate space from where your child likes to play. For example, my son has a desk in his room that he uses to play video games. On the opposite side of the room, we set up a smaller desk specifically for virtual learning. This way there are no distractions.

4. Weather you have middle aged kids or elementary kids its a great idea to have essentials handy right at their work stations. Kleenex , hand sanitizer, extra sharpened pencils or pens, paper and whatever else you think will help your child to always be prepared. I also think it’s a great idea to have a water bottle or insulated cup with a lid to keep water available for a quick sip.

Moms I know that virtual learning can have its challenges, but it is up to us to prepare and create an environment for our children that is stress free as possible. Remember this is their first time too! We are all learning as we go. I hope that these few tips will help make your day run just a little bit smoother. If you take away at least one tip from this blog please share in the comments with me. I would love to know how virtual learning is working out for you.