Natural Self Care Products I Can’t Live Without

As a woman who just recently turned 40 self-care is one of the main things that has definitely moved up to the top of my list. It is so important that we women take care of ourselves. If you don’t take the time to fill up your cup then don’t expect to pour a good drink! Especially Moms!

Over the years I have learned that self-care isn’t always about going shopping, spending a day at the spa, or having a girls night out. It’s more about the things that you do on a daily basis that help to keep you looking and feeling your best. Think of it like if you walked 30 minutes a day vs sitting on the couch for 30 minutes a day. By walking a little bit every day, over time you are going to start to see results. You may lose weight and have more energy. On the other hand, if you did nothing and just sat on the couch every day… I’m pretty sure you would be less likely to lose weight and have extra energy. With that being said I wanted to share with you some of the products I find myself constantly reaching for and have helped me to feel better in the skin I’m in.

I tend to gravitate toward products that are all-natural, especially when it comes to my skin. Our skin is our largest organ and it absorbs so much throughout the day, so I try my best to take care of my skin by moisturizing and exfoliating on the regular. The first product I recommend is Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub. It comes in many scents and my favorite at this time just happens to be to CoCo Colada Listen, ladies when I tell you that once you use this scrub you will be feeling baby soft, I mean it! It is so important to exfoliate your skin at least once a week. It helps to get rid of the dead skin cells and by doing so this will help your moisturizers penetrate the skin more easily. Once you get in the habit of exfoliating your skin once or twice a week you are going to notice such a difference in the way you feel all over. Trust me, try it, you will like it.

Since we are on the topic of skin I would like to share some of my favorite moisturizers for the skin. Again sticking with the natural products the number one in my book for moisturizer is just some good ole coconut oil Yes I said Coconut oil, and be sure that you are using raw unrefined coconut oil. I use coconut oil for so many things, I could literally write a blog post just on the different ways to use it. Using the oil on your skin is good not only for moisturizing but since it has antioxidants like vitamins E and A this will help with improving your skin elasticity and collagen production. If you are not a fan of coconut oil then my next best is using plant-based lotions like Alaffia or Avalon Organics. I love these moisturizers because I know that my skin is absorbing natural products and not chemicals. Also, I noticed when using plant-based lotions I don’t have to use as much as I did with a non plant-based moisturizer.

Now, this next product is one that will have you feeling fresh all day long, and I mean all day! We are in the summer months and it can get pretty hot, so it is always a good idea to keep your lady parts clean and fresh. When you are clean and fresh down there you just feel better… You walk with a little bit more sway in your hips lol. Let me tell you ever since I got my hands on The Honey Pot all-natural feminine wash, I have kicked my Vagisil to the curb Hunny. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I am really trying to be more conscious about what I products I use on my precious parts. I had been looking for a natural feminine wash and I came across Honey Pot. I decided to give it a try and since it was my first time I tried the Sensitive feminine wash by the honey pot… Ladies are you listening?! This stuff will change your entire life. It is truly the best yet, and the fact that it is ph balanced and certified organic makes it a winner in my book!

I could go on and on about the natural products that I continuously grab for (and I will in a later blog post) but I hope that these few will help point you in the right direction if you are looking to start incorporating more natural products into your everyday self-care routine. If you try any of these products or are currently using any of them I would love to hear your feedback. So leave me a comment and let me know how they work for you.

Remember to take some time out of your busy day for a little self-care. Rember the example at the beginning of the post? Doing just a little each day can make a huge impact over time.